Cloete, NicoLuescher-Mamashela, ThierryLange, Randall Stephen2015-09-022024-05-282015-09-022024-05-282014 Educationis (Adult Learning and Global Change) - MEd(AL)This study seeks to determine to what extent undergraduate students in a research university in South Africa are involved in activities that contribute to citizenship education. The research design involves a case study at the University of Cape Town (UCT) whereby an electronic survey, called the Student Experience at the Research University-Africa (SERU) survey, was indigenised to fit the South African context and it was conducted at UCT. The survey had a census design and all undergraduate students at the university were invited to participate. At the end of 2012 a sample of 861 surveys were analyzed using SPSS to determine the activities students were involved in during the research period.enDemocratic citizenshipHigher educationCitizenship educationCivic engagementThe contribution of student activities to citizenship education: a study of engagement at a South African research universityUniversity of the Western Cape