Mujuzi, Jamil DdamuliraByaruhanga, Moses G.2023-05-042025-03-032023-05-042025-03-032022 Doctor - PhDThe thesis analysed the Ugandan policy and legal framework on women’s land rights vis-à-vis the regional and international legal and policy framework, to identify the gaps, progress and the way forward. Four objectives were framed in handling the research problem. First, there was an analysis of the regional and international legal framework on the rights of women to land. Secondly, the study examined and analysed the legal framework on the women’s land rights in Uganda. The third objective was the analysis of women’s land rights in East Africa. The study also reviewed the nexus between women’s land rights and financial inclusion. Lastly, the study proposed policy and strategic reforms for advancement of the rights of women to land in Uganda.enWomenLand Rights ActUgandaEquity ActEqualityWomen's access to land in UgandaUniversity of the Western Cape