Cloete, Daan27/02/201727/02/20172013Cloete, D. (2013). Galatians 2:15-21 and the Belhar Confession (1986) in dialogue. Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif (NGTT), 54(3&4): 93-1040378-9889 article brings Gal 2: 15-21 into dialogue with the Confession of Belhar (1986). It starts off with the issue of the formation of confessions in Early Christianity and asks whether there could be a confession basic to or in the making in the Galatians passage. The Confession of Belhar (1986) is structured around three concepts, namely, unity, reconciliation and justice within the South African context of the churches disunity with all its social consequences. Galatians reflects a critical and decisive period in the history of the Early Christianity as it struggles with the issue of justification. In this pericope Paul focuses on Justification by faith, but supports it with other concepts like grace, equality/unity and freedom. While these sets of concepts do not correspond with one another, they both reflect a crucial period of transformation in the history of the church.enThis journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Link to the NGTT article published online: ConfessionReconciliation and justiceSouth AfricaGalations 2:15-21 and the Belhar Confession (1986) in dialogueArticle