Maunder, AndrewMarsden, GaryTucker, William David2013-07-222013-07-222006Maunder, A., Marsden, G., & Tucker, W. D. (2006). Evaluating the relevance of the “Real Access” criteria as a framework for rural HCI research. In D. van Greunen (ed.), 5th Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Southern Africa (pp. 75–78). Cape Town, South Africa: ACM1-59593-280-1 ICT software that is useful and usable in a rural context poses many problems. One of the major difficulties is understanding the real needs of the target users and the constraints imposed by the rural environment. Many techniques exist in the field of human computer interaction (HCI) that attempt to understand the needs of the target user but many are not useful in a rural context (or a least not when applied in a standard way). This paper presents some existing HCI research techniques that are applicable in a rural context and shows how they fit into the ‘Real Access’ framework.enCopyright ACM: Association of Computing Machinery. This file may be freely used for educational purposes, as long as it is not altered in any way. Acknowledgement of the authors and the source is required.EthnographyHuman-Computer Interaction (HCI)Real Access criteriaRural developmentUsabilityUser-centred designEvaluating the relevance of the “Real Access” criteria as a framework for rural HCI researchConference Proceedings