Nortje, Christoffel2017-06-012017-06-012013Nortje, C. (2013). Maxillo-facial radiology case 115. Journal of the South African Dental Association (SADJ), 68(9): 424-4251029-4864 18-year-old female referred by her dental practioner, with the main complaint that the lower left second premolar tooth (35), is mobile. She also complains of gastrointestinal problems, nausea, bone pain and muscle weakness. Whilst the intraoral radiographs were being taken, the patient had a problem trying to hold the intraoral apparatus with her right arm, which according to her was due to the fact that a “malignant tumour” was removed from the head of the right humerus (upper shoulder radiograph) 10 months previously. According to a report from her general practioner, a frozen section was done at that time, which was diagnosed histologically to be a giant cell tumour. A resection was done and the head of the humerus was replaced with a prosthesis.enThis file may be freely used for educational uses. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this file is permitted without written permission of the South African Dental Association (SADA). Note that the SADA retains all intellectual property rights in the articleMaxillo-facialRadiologyMalignant tumourMaxillo-facial radiology case 115Article