Fish, W.Key, J. D.Mwambene, Eric2017-12-112017-12-112017Fish, W. et al. (2017). Codes from adjacency matrices of uniform subset graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 1-300911-0119 of the p-ary codes from the adjacency matrices of uniform subset graphs Γ(n,k,r)Γ(n,k,r) and their reflexive associates have shown that a particular family of codes defined on the subsets are intimately related to the codes from these graphs. We describe these codes here and examine their relation to some particular classes of uniform subset graphs. In particular we include a complete analysis of the p-ary codes from Γ(n,3,r)Γ(n,3,r) for p≥5p≥5 , thus extending earlier results for p=2,3p=2,3 .enThis is the author-version of the article published online at: subset graphsCodesGraphsCodes from adjacency matrices of uniform subset graphsArticle