Booley, Ashraf2022-05-052022-05-052021Booley, Ashraf ‘Legal and social complexities relating to practice of arranged and forced marriages’ Jurnal Syariah 29:1 (2021) pp. 21–420127-1237 practice of forced and/or arranged marriages are reported to be taking place globally. These types of marriages have become gender neutral and can no longer be described only as an issue relating to women. However, what is portrayed is that women normally suffer as reported cases are evidence of that. First world countries where there is a large immigrant community, frown on the practice of forced marriages and arranged marriages. This is a complex issue, because on the one hand, one’s religious, cultural diversity is attacked and on the other hand forced and arranged marriages may violate various provisions of international, regional national human rights instruments. From an international law perspective, one could argue that there is a clear violation of international law. On the other hand, and argument relating to one’s cultural and religious beliefs could also be advanced.enForced marriageArranged marriagesHuman rightsReligionGenderLegal and social complexities relating to practice of arranged and forced marriagesArticle