Chipps, JenniferStewart, GavinSayer, Geoffrey2015-01-142015-01-141995Chipps J, Stewart G, Sayer G.; (1995). Suicide mortality in NSW: clients of mental health services. NSW Public Health Bulletin, 6 (8): 75-811034-7674 article examines suicide by clients of mental health services in NSW. Since April1992 the Mental Health Branch of the NSW Health Department has operated an incident monitoring system which requires all public mental health services in NSW to report unexpected deaths, including suicides, of current or former clients. Part I of this article describes the information collected through this monitoring system, and Part II estimates mental health service clients' risk of suicide, compared with that of the NSW population.enPermission granted by the publisherSuicide mortalityMental healthAustraliaSuicide mortality in NSW: clients of mental health services.Article