Uys, WalterTjikongo, Ricardo2014-11-132024-05-032014-11-132024-05-032013 Commercii - MComThis study analyses the process that an IT refurbishing organisation used to socialise 15 IT graduates to the norms of the working world. In addition, 5 IT industry and 2 governmental agency interviews were used, and 60 online job advertisements were analysed to develop a system dynamic model. The main motivation for this study was to develop a system dynamics model of the graduate socialisation process, in an attempt to understand the cause and effect of practical exposure, to bridge the IT skill-expectations gap. The main source of data for the model was from a-priori coding and content analysis of job adverts, online blogs and reports created by the students, supported by a review of the existing literatureenIT skills gapIT expectations gapSystem dynamicsPsychological contractKnowledge creationOrganisational socialisation tacticsSocialisationAcademiaIT industryGovernmentUsing a system dynamic approach to understanding the socialisation process of IT graduatesThesisUniversity of the Western Cape