Koen, Chris2015-12-112015-12-112014Koen, C. (2014). Multicolour time series photometry of the variable star 1SWASP J234401.81−212229.1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 441 (4): 3075-3082.0035-8711http://hdl.handle.net/10566/20171SWASP J234401.81-212229.1 may be one of a handful of contact binaries comprising two Mdwarfs. Modelling of the available observations is complicated by the fact that the radiation of the eclipsing system is dominated by a third star, a K dwarf. New photometry, presented in this paper, strengthens this interpretation of the data. The existence of such systems will have implications for the statistical distributions of masses in hierarchical multiple star systems.enOxford Open. Articles published under the Oxford Open model are made freely available online immediately upon publication, without subscription barriers to access.AstronomyMathematicsSouth African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)PhotometryHierarchical multiple star systemsMulticolour time series photometry of the variable star 1SWASP J234401.81−212229.1Article