van Ryneveld, Hannelore02/02/201102/02/20112008van Ryneveld, H. (2008). Im Gespr�ch mit Jose F.A. Oliver - 'viel-stimmig und meer-sprachig'. Acta Germanica (36): 119 - 140� Oliver is a multilingual poet of Andalusian descent who writes poetry in German. His first poetry was published in the mid-eighties and his writings were seen as part of migrant literature (also referred to in the seventies as guestworker literature). He has however moved beyond those boundaries and has written himself into (�eingeschrieben�) the German language and his poetry is characterised by a breaking- up (�auf-brechen�) of the language and thereby creating sound and word structures which strip away the common usage in an attempt to regain the original meanings of words.The interview with Jos� Oliver was conducted in February 2005 in Hausach in the Black Forest.deAuthor's version of the interview published by Peter Lang. The publisher has permitted the deposit of this version. This text may be freely used for all educational purposes, subject to full acknowledgement of the source.Migrant writings in GermanyGerman poetryIm Gespr�ch mit Jose F.A. Oliver - 'viel-stimmig und meer-sprachig'.Article