Lahiff, Edward2009-12-082009-12-082007-08Lahiff, E. (2007) Business models in land reform. Research Report no. 27, August 2007. PLAAS, University of the Western Cape978-1-86808-672-6 paper reviews the types of business models, or landuse models, being implemented in land reform projects involving the transfer of rural land to communities and other groups in South Africa, under both the restitution and redistribution programmes. It draws heavily on the series of Diagnostic Studies prepared as part of the Sustainable Development Consortium’s (SDC) work on post-settlement support, but also draws from other studies on restitution, notably that conducted by the Community Agency for Social Enquiry (CASE) in 2005, and the wider literature on redistributive land reform in South Africa.enThis file may be freely used for educational uses, as long as it is not altered in any way. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this file is permitted without written permission of the copyright holder.Land reformRestitutionRedistributionLand useSouth AfricaCommunityJoint venturesBusiness models in land reformOther