Obikeze, KenechukwuOghenetega, Chioma O N2022-03-232024-05-152024-05-152021 Pharmaceuticae - DPharmThe central nervous system (CNS), consisting of the brain and the spinal cord, is responsible for integrating sensory information and influencing most bodily functions . The CNS is protected from toxic and pathogenic agents in the blood by permeability barrier mechanisms. These barrier mechanisms, specifically the blood brain barrier (BBB) presents a challenge for the discovery of CNS active drugs as it is requirement for these drugs to permeate the BBB to reach their target site in the CNS. The conventional processes of drug design and discovery from natural products are time consuming, tedious, expensive and have a high failure rate. It has been reported from various studies that the use of computational modelling and simulations in drug design and discovery is less costly and less time-consuming with a greater chance of success than the conventional processes. The process of drug discovery and design can, therefore, be easily carried out using proven computer models, software, and web-based tools .enLeonotis leonurusAlzheimer’s diseaseDrug likenessCentral nervous systemPharmacological characterization and chemo-informatics analysis of compounds from leonotis leonurusUniversity of Western Cape