University of the Western Cape2024-09-192024-09-191991University of the Western Cape.(1991)"Exciting new discovery in UWC sperm reserach",Bulletin,Vol3(16).20-26 June, p.1-4 PART-TIME Physiology Phd students Mr Brain Wilson has discovered an unusual sperm structure in the Foam Nest Frog (Chiromantis Xeromapelina). The sperm's structure differes from that of other frogs in that is has a coiled head, in the shape of a bed spring, and has two tails. The coiled head feature is in total contrast to the shape sperm belonging to a common frog such as the Platanna (Xenopus), where the sperm head cigar- shapedenUniversity of the Western Cape (UWC)SpermFrog:NGOCACEExciting new discovery in UWC sperm reserachOther