Rhoda, AntheaMatambanadzo, Priscilla2022-01-192024-11-072022-01-192024-11-072021https://hdl.handle.net/10566/18884Magister Artium (Social Work) - MA(SW)The harsh economic environment, lack of adequate caregiving resources, lack of psychosocial support structures poses as some of the challenge’s families caring for the children with special needs face. In exploring the experiences, perceptions and coping strategies applied by families caring for children with special needs care, the study sought to explore the (physical, social, psychological, emotional, financial) experiences of caring for a child with special needs and their experiences of access to services (healthcare, education, social). The caregiver’s perceptions of family, service providers and community member’s reactions towards their children with special needs and the coping strategies applied by families when caring for their child with special needs were also included in this study.enSpecial needsCoping strategiesFamilyCaregiversWestern CapeChildren with special needsPerceptions, experiences and coping strategies of families caring for children with special needs within Western Cape communitiesUniversity of Western Cape