Lalumbe, LindelaniKanyerere, Thokozani2022-09-092022-09-092022Lalumbe, L., & Kanyerere, T. (2022). Assessment of concentration levels of contaminants in groundwater of the Soutpansberg region, Limpopo province, South Africa . Water (Switzerland), 14(9),1354. contributions towards improved food security and human health depend on the level of contaminants in groundwater resources. Many people in rural areas use groundwater for drinking purposes without treatment and knowledge of contaminant levels in such waters, owing to parachute research in which research outputs are not shared with communities. This study argues that parachute research exposes groundwater users to health hazards and threatens the food security of communities. Concentration levels of contaminants were measured to ascertain suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes. A total of 124 groundwater quality samples from 12 boreholes and 2 springs with physiochemical data from 1995 to 2017 were assessed. This study found high concentration levels of contaminants, such as F, NO3 , Cl, and total dissolved solids, in certain parts of the studied area. In general, groundwater was deemed suitable for drinking purposes in most parts of the studied area.enGroundwater qualityParachute researchHuman healthFood securityLimpopo provinceAssessment of concentration levels of contaminants in groundwater of the Soutpansberg region, Limpopo Province, South AfricaArticle