Conradie, Ernst M.2023-02-072023-02-072020Conradie, E. M. (2020). A journal for biblical, theological and / or contextual hermeneutics?. Scriptura, 119 (3), 1-10. contribution reflects on the current sub-title of the journal Scriptura, namely �Journal for Biblical, Theological and Hermeneutics�. It showsthat this has been a core interest of the journal over a period of forty years. It also discusses the methodological tensions between these three forms / aspects of hermeneutics � to the point where one may wonder whether the �and� in the subtitle could be understood as �or�. It does not propose a way forward but commends Scriptura for offering the space to explore such tensions further in the South African context.enReligionBiblical hermeneuticsScripturaTheological hermeneuticsSouth AfricaA journal for biblical, theological and / or contextual hermeneutics?Article