Penton, JasonTucker, William DavidGlaser, Meryl2013-05-152013-05-152002Penton, J., Tucker, W. D., & Glaser, M. (2002). Telgo323: an H.323 Bridge for deaf telephony. In Z. Miklos (ed), Southern African Telecommunications Networks & Applications Conference (SATNAC), 2: 309–313, Drakensberg, South Africa0-620-29432-9 have developed a prototype bridge that relays text and speech between Teldem, a text telephone for the Deaf, and a standard telephone or H.323 endpoint. Telgo323 uses modified H.323 media gateways and open source Text to Speech and Speech to Text software. The approach allows for easy integration of new tools as the technologies mature. This paper presents the design of the implementation prototype, discusses Teldem tone decoding, and suggests directions for future work. The Telgo323 provides evidence that an automated relay bridge is imminently viable for the Deaf Community, and further demonstrates an attractive approach for building bridges over the Digital Divide.enCopyright Telkom. This file may be freely used for educational purposes, as long as it is not altered in any way. Acknowledgement of the authors and the source is required.Deaf telephonyH.323Telgo323: an H.323 Bridge for deaf telephonyConference Proceedings