Nanima, Robert2021-06-182021-06-182020Nanima, R. (2020). The community leaders training workshop, Cape Town, 10-11 March. 21:2 ESR Review,21(2), 21-221684-260X workshop formed part of a series that since 2015 has been looking at issues of housing, health, social security and other constitutional matters. With its emphasis on the social determinants of the right to health, the workshop was attended by community representatives from Fisantekraal, Ocean View, Bloekombos and Manenburg, along with experts on socioeconomic rights in the areas such as health and housing. Nine presentations were made over a period of two days.enCape TownCommunity leadersTrainingSocioeconomic rightsThe community leaders training workshop, Cape Town, 10-11 MarchArticle