Adu-Gyamfi, Yaw06/08/201406/08/20142013Adu-Gyamfi, Y. (2013). Prevention of civil war in Joshua 22: guidelines for African ethnic groups. Old Testament Essays, 26(2): 247-2621010-9919 you ever jumped to a conclusion before hearing both sides of a story? Have you ever failed to give someone the benefit of the doubt, even though they had never wronged you? "There Are Two Sides to Every Story." Joshua 22 shows that civil wars can be avoided if proper measures are taken. The Cisjordanian tribes resorted to dialogue to prevent what could have been a bloody civil war. Their willingness to move along the path of patience brought about peace and joy. African ethnic groups can prevent civil wars if they learn the lesson of managing allegations the proper way through representation, dialogue and trust.en� 2013 Adu-Gyamfi; licensee University of South Africa This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedJoshua 22Civil warCisjordanian tribesAfricaEthnic groupsDialogueTrustPreventionPrevention of civil war in Joshua 22: guidelines for African ethnic groupsArticle