Marais, MargaretMkoba, Egfrid Michael2013-10-012024-11-072009/05/192009/05/192013-10-012024-11-072006 Scientiae - MScNeck pain is a common health problem affecting the general population and it can be associated with significant activity limitation, It contributes to a number of lost work days and high costs in its management. The purpose of this study was to identify the trends in the physiotherapy management of patients suffering from episodes of neck pain at the physiotherapy department of the Muhimbiki Orthopaedic Institute (MOI), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.enNeck painPhysical therapyTanzaniaDar es SalaamExercise therapyAn investigation into the physiotherapy management of neck pain at the Muhimbili Orthopaedic Institute in Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaThesisUniversity of the Western Cape