Abdraimova, AidaBesançon, StéphaneLaing, Richard2022-08-222022-08-222022Abdraimova, A. et al. (2022). Management of type 1 diabetes in low- and middle- income countries: Comparative health system assessments in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania. Diabetic Medicine, 39, e14891. https://doi.org/10.1111/dme.148911464-5491https://doi.org/10.1111/dme.14891http://hdl.handle.net/10566/7759To describe and compare the health system responses for type 1 diabetes in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania. The Rapid Assessment Protocol for Insulin Access, a multi- level assessment of the health system, was implemented in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania using document reviews, site visits and interviews to assess the delivery of care and access to insulin. Despite the existence of noncommunicable or diabetes strategies and Universal Health Coverage policies including diabetes- related supplies, this has not necessarily translated into access to insulin or diabetes care for all.enType 1 diabetesHealth carePublic healthAfricaInsulinManagement of type 1 diabetes in low- and middle- income countries: Comparative health system assessments in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and TanzaniaArticle