Khanyile, Thembisile2017-05-082017-05-082006Khanyile, T. (2006). Managing cultural diversity in the classroom. Journal of Community and Health Sciences 1(1): 70-781990-9403 This article focuses on the cultural issues challenging health professional academics in this era of transformation in South Africa. OBJECTIVES: The objective is to discuss various concepts of cultural diversity and the management thereof. METHODS: Review of literature on the management of cultural diversity. CCONCLUSION: The education and training programs for health professionals should lead to affirmation of cultural diversity and promote respect for the person while leading to tolerance of different views and ideas.enThis journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.DiversityHealth professional academicsClassroomTraining programsManaging cultural diversity in the classroomArticle