Florence, MariaMpisane, Noluthando2022-08-012024-04-192022-08-012024-04-192022https://hdl.handle.net/10566/12220Magister Artium - MA“Black Tax” refers to the financial burden that is placed upon Black professionals to support their immediate and extended families. There is nascent and limited academic literature on “Black Tax”, and the available literature focuses mostly on the financial impact of “Black Tax”. Thus, the overall aim of this study was to explore the experiences of “Black Tax” amongst the emerging Black middle-class with regard to the emotional aspects of the practise. The Kinscripts Framework was used to explicate how the emerging Black middle-class experience “Black Tax”, in terms of the perceived financial obligation, and expectation towards their immediate and extended families.enUnemploymentFinanceBlack middle-classUbuntuAcademic literatureExploring experiences of “black tax” among emerging black middle class in Cape TownUniversity of the Western Cape