Goldschmidt, TessaAdebiyi, Babatope O.Roman, Nicolette V.2022-05-192022-05-192021Goldschmidt, T. et al. (2021). Developing a logic model of change for the determinants of parental nurturance in the first 1000 days: A mixed-method study protocol. PLoS ONE, 16(10), e0258764. journal.pone.02587641932-6203 journal.pone.0258764 play a key role in providing nurturance and nurturing care to their child during the first 1000 days which is important for optimal child development. Various factors have been found to influence parenting but the contribution of these factors toward parental nurturance within the first 1000 days is not yet known in the South African context. This paper describes a protocol for a project that aims to develop a logic model of change for the determinants of parental nurturance in the first 1000 days in the South African context.enParentingChild developmentSouth AfricaParental nurturanceDepression and anxietyDeveloping a logic model of change for the determinants of parental nurturance in the first 1000 days: A mixed-method study protocolArticle