Mabusela, Wilfred ThozamileGreen, Ivan R.Babajide, Jelili OlalekanDept. of ChemistryFaculty of Science2014-01-292024-05-132011/02/112011/02/112014-01-292024-05-132009 Doctor - PhDAfrican medicinal plants are commonly used throughout Africa to treat a variety of ailments including wounds and ulcers, cough and chest complaints, gingivitis, fever and gonorrhoea, indication all related to infection and inflammation. In screening several plant species from an inventory of common medicinal plants from both South and West Africa for diverse medicinal purposes, 6 plants were selected because of their interesting and useful ethnomedicinal values.enPhytochemistryPiliostigma reticulatumCissampelos capensisGeranium incanumGethyllis speciesAntimicrobialBrine shrimp naupliiLethalityCytotoxicityAntioxidantsChemical and biological investigation into some selected African indigenous medicinal plantsThesisUniversity of the Western Cape