Hart, Genevieve29/01/201329/01/20132007Hart, G. (2007). Information literacy: the missing link in South Africa�s educational transformation? In: Asamoah-Hassan, H. (ed). Sub-Saharan Africa colloquium on information literacy & lifelong learning. Addis Ababa: IFLA: 30-50https://hdl.handle.net/10566/520Introduction: This paper uses the lens of information literacy and information literacy education to view educational change in South Africa. Although the focus is on South Africa, I hope that the paper might resonate with delegates from other countries and that this might lead to the exploration of common ground.enThis is the author's final version published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa . Readers may make use of the material providing due attribution is given.Information literacyMissing linkEducational transformationInformation literacy: the missing link in South Africa�s educational transformation?Conference Proceedings