de Visser, Jaap2019-08-192019-08-192006de Visser, J. 2006. Local accountability: enforcing the Code of Conduct for councillors. Dullah Omar Institute (DOI) paper focuses on the role of the council of a municipality towards ensuring accountable governance. First, it discusses the Code of Conduct for councillors, which is the key instrument at the hands of the municipal council to ensure accountability of the council and councillors. Second, it analyses the way in which the Code of Conduct can be enforced. Third, it presents a case study of an instance in which these instruments to enforce ethical conduct were invoked. Fourth, it provides an analysis of a key area where improvements can be made and proposes a way forward to making those improvements.enLocal accountabilityCode of ConductCouncillorsLocal governmentLocal accountability: Enforcing the Code of Conduct for councillorsPresentation