Elson, EDavé, RGlowacki, M2023-03-302023-03-302023Elson, E., Glowacki, M. and Davé, R., 2023. Measurements of the angular momentum–mass relations in the Simba simulation. New Astronomy, 99, p.101964.13841076http://hdl.handle.net/10566/8712We present measurements of the specific angular momentum content (𝑗) of galaxies drawn from the Simba cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. These relations are broadly consistent with a variety of empirical measurements. We confirm the observational result that the scatter in the stellar 𝑗–𝑀 relation is driven largely by H I content, and measure the dependence of its scatter on the deviations of galaxies from other important scaling relations. For a given stellar mass, H i-rich/poor galaxies have more/less-than-average stellar specific angular momentum.encosmological simulationsgalaxy dynamicsgalaxy evolutionangular momentummass relationsMeasurements of the angular momentum–mass relations in the Simba simulationArticle