Tan, Yee-JooGoh, Phuay-YeeFielding, Burtram C.Shen, ShuoChou, Chih-FongFu, JianlinLeong, Hoe NamLeo, Yee SinOoi, Eng-EongLing, Ai EeLim, Seng GeeHong, Wanjin2013-11-282013-11-282004Tan, Y.J., et al. (2004). Profiles of antibody responses against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus recombinant proteins and their potential use as diagnostic markers. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 11(2): 362-3711071-412Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/10566/880enCopyright American Society for Microbiology. This file may be freely used for educational purposes, as long as it is not altered in any way. Acknowledgement of the authors and the source is required.Acute respiratory syndrome coronavirusProteinsProfiles of antibody responses against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus recombinant proteins and their potential use as diagnostic markersArticle