Maneveldt, GavinKeats, Derek2014-09-072014-09-072003Maneveldt, G.W. & Keats, D.W. (2003). Chromista. eLS1618-0240 a group, the chromists show a diverse range of forms from tiny unicellular, flagellates to the large brown algae known as kelp. Molecular studies have confirmed the inclusion of certain organisms once considered Fungi, as well as some heterotrophic flagellates. Despite their diversity of form and feeding modes, a few unique characters group these organisms.enCopyright 2003 Wiley Online. This is the authors' final version and may be freely used provided that the source is acknowledged.ChromistaFungiKelpUnicellular flagellatesHaptophytaSagenistaOomycotaHeterokontaphytaBacillariophytaPhaeophytaThe chromistaArticle