Piper, Laurence2021-02-042021-02-042019Piper, L. (2019). Book review: Building a capable state: service delivery in post-apartheid South Africa. Urban Studies ,56(9), 1920-19221360-063Xhttps://doi.org/10.1177/0042098018820183http://hdl.handle.net/10566/5839Written by long-standing research practitioners Ian Palmer and Nishendra Moodley, as well as one of South Africa’s leading academic urbanists, Professor Sue Parnell, Building a Capable State tackles the hard question of whether the post-apartheid state is up to delivering rights-based, sustainable development, and more specifically the task of providing local services like water, electricity, roads and housing. Somewhat surprisingly, after 10 years of maladministration and even deliberate sabotage under the Zuma administration, the answer is a qualified yes. Today South Africa’s citizens, especially poor citizens, are substantially better off than they were in 1994.enSouth AfricaPost-apartheidService deliveryCitizenshipLocal governanceBook review: Building a capable state: service delivery in post-apartheid South AfricaArticle