Gerhard, WerleRomano, Taban2020-02-122024-06-052020-02-122024-06-052019 Legum - LLMThe Republic of South Sudan became independent from the Republic of Sudan on 9 July 2011. South Sudan has an area of 644, 329 km2 and a total estimated population of around 12, 6 million.1The original state of Sudan was intensely divided along ethnic, religious and ideological lines. The general population of the Republic of Sudan is mainly Sunni Muslim whereas the South Sudanese are mostly Christian, with small populations that still practice African indigenous religions.2While the Republic of Sudan is predominantly Arabic-speaking, English and over sixty local languages are spoken in South Sudan.3enAfrican UnionAgreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South SudanHybrid CourtsInternational Criminal CourtInternational Court of JusticeLegal frameworkLegitimacySpecial Court for Sierra LeoneInternational crimesIndividual criminal responsibilityEvaluating the legal framework of the hybrid court for South SudanUniversity of the Western Cape