Thompson, LisaPithers, Linda2021-02-052024-05-032021-02-052024-05-032001 Philosophiae - MPhilSouth Africa has developed an extensive network of parks, nature reserves and conservation areas, the stated purpose of which is to both promote and protect nature and, particularly in the case of state-owned resources, to harness the power of tourism in social and economic development. This study examines the impact on rural and urban communities of proclaimed 'nature areas' and related efforts by the state to grow the economic and developmental contribution of tourism in the regions concerned. Through interrogating this 'triangulation' of nature, tourism and local economic development the pattern of benefit distribution from the protection of nature areas is highlighted.enSouth AfricaNature reserveTourismEconomic developmentThe use of South Africa's nature areas in the promotion of tourism and economic developmentUniversity of Western Cape