Hart, CornelJacobs, Aneeka2021-03-092024-05-032021-03-092024-05-032020https://hdl.handle.net/10566/13014Magister Artium (Development Studies) - MA(DVS)Local governments worldwide are invariably faced with challenges of human capacity constraints, corruption, lack of operating transparency and accountability, dysfunctional ward committees, poor public participation, non-compliance with legislation and by-laws, poor prioritisation of community needs, unaligned budget processes, unauthorised and wasteful expenditure, tensions between politicians and administrators, as well as weak financial viability. A strong legal framework, clearly defining authority and accountability, backed by relevant skills development training, are necessary foundations for service delivery; however, without the appropriate training, staff performance could remain inadequate. Various countries have reached varying levels of local government effectiveness; however, all too often municipalities do not have the adequate skills required, to deliver the services needed, to ensure community development.enLocal government capacity buildingLocal government contextLocal government functionsLocal government skills needsPublic sector legislative frameworksAn exploratory case study in a rural municipality in the western cape: Local government skills developmentUniversity of the Western Cape