Mulder, Riaan2016-09-192016-09-192016Mulder, R. (2016). Are fissure sealants still relevant as a caries preventive measure? South African Dental Journal, 71(6): 272 - 2731029-4864 groundwork for fissure sealants was completed in 1955 and lead to the introduction in 1971 of the Nuva-Seal Fissure Sealant by L.D Caulk. Since caries predominantly affects the pits and fissures of the teeth of children, these sealants have been shown to be a valuable preventive procedure. FS are cost effective and provide an ideal preventive measure for children who have restricted access to dental services. However the advent of dental lasers, caries detection systems, fluoride varnishes and novel adhesive systems may have displaced FS as a preventive measure of choice. The aim of this investigation was to establish whether FS remain a relevant preventive measure for the anatomically vulnerable fissure system.enThis file may be freely used for educational uses. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this file is permitted without written permission of the South African Dental Association (SADA). Note that the SADA retains all intellectual property rights in the article.Fissure sealantsPreventative dentistryMinimal intervention dentistryPaediatric dentistryAre fissure sealants still relevant as a caries preventive measure?Article