Pillay, Miranda N.02/03/201702/03/20172015Pillay, M. N. (2015). Good news for all? A feminist perspective on the gospel of Matthew. Scriptura 114(1): 1-110254-1807https://hdl.handle.net/10566/2597http://dx.doi.org/10.7833/114-0-1127In the Gospel of Matthew the Kingdom of Heaven which Jesus preaches about is in conflict with the dominant culture which creates tension between what is and ought. Those whom society despises are pronounced 'blessed' (5:1-12); the inclusiveness of the kingdom is made manifest when outsiders (the despised) such as lepers, Gentiles, 'unclean' women, and the demon possessed are pronounced 'clean' (Chaps 8-9). Jesus' vision of the basileia as symbolically presented in parables entails hearing, understanding and embodying inclusivity. Based on this premise, this article explores the question of Good news for all in Matthew. While Matthew cannot be reduced to a feminist treasure chamber for gender justice it is possible to spot certain gynocentric interruptions of the dominant androcentricity of Scripture. Based on the observation that the Gospel of Matthew exhibits a tension that both excludes and includes others, this article argues for the possibility that Matthew may be a resource to proclaim 'good news for all' - including women.enThis journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Article can be found online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.7833/114-0-1127Gospel of MattheFeministInclusivityGood news for all? A feminist perspective on the gospel of MatthewArticle