Chenwi, Lilian2019-10-072019-10-072007Chenwi, L. (2007). 'Taking those with special housing needs from the doldrums of neglect : a call for a comprehensive and coherent policy on special needs'. Law, Democracy & Development, 11(2): 1 - 18 growing awareness of the differentiation of need within the broad categorisation of the poor has led to an evolving focus on special needs or vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and the disabled. There is, therefore, an increasing need for government housing policies to reflect a constant awareness of, and to make provision for, the special housing needs of vulnerable groups. Accordingly, HIV / AIDS and special needs groups are high on the development agenda of South Africa and the National Department of Housing continues to emphasise the need to meet the special housing needs of marginalised women and people with disabilities. The National Department of Housing has, in principle, agreed to assist the Departments of Health and Social Development in providing shelter. Moreover, the South African Human Rights Commission has acknowledged the need for housing projects to take into account the specials needs of vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities, orphans and vulnerable children.enRight to housingSouth AfricaSpecial needsHousing policiesTaking those with special housing needs from the doldrums of neglect : a call for a comprehensive and coherent policy on special needs housingArticle