Adelle, CamillaBlack, GillianKroll, Florian2022-09-122022-09-122022Adelle, C. et al. (2022). Digital storytelling for policy impact: Perspectives from co-producing knowledge for food system governance in South Africa. Evidence and Policy, 18(2), 336-355. critics of the linear-rational understanding of the role of knowledge in decision making have long argued the need for the construction of socially robust knowledge to illuminate policy problems from a variety of perspectives, including lived experiences. This article charts the attempts of researchers to employ a creative method, digital storytelling, alongside more traditional scientific data in stakeholder deliberations to inform local food governance in South Africa.enDigital storytellingDemocracyFood securityPolicy implementationSouth AfricaDigital storytelling for policy impact: Perspectives from co-producing knowledge for food system governance in South AfricaArticle