Azeez, Nureni A.Abidoye, Ademola P.Adesina, Ademola OlusolaAgbele, Kehinde K.Oyewole, A.S.2014-01-222014-01-222012Azeez, N.A. et al. (2012). Threats to e-government implementation in the civil service: Nigeria as a case study. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 3(1): 398-4021551-7624 rapid advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has undoubtedly influenced positive changes in carrying out administrative functions in government institutions. The ICT adoption rate in Africa is not impressive when compared to the more developed countries of the world. Nigeria, as a case study in this scenario, has also not implemented E-Government impressively, according to the required standards set up by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). A comprehensive study conducted on the application and implementation of E-Government in Nigeria has provided some metrics that examine the stumbling blocks for realization of adequate and efficient E-Government implementation in the civil service. The research was carried out in the federal civil service in Nigeria in two phases namely, pre-IT implementation phase and post-IT implementation phase. Our findings reveal that ICT implementation will remain elusive in the civil service as long as the as threats explained below remain unaddressed. It has therefore been asserted that the need to overcome these threats is a precondition for realization of E-Government implementation in the federal civil service.enCopyright Akamai University. This item may be freely used provided that acknowledgment of the source is provided. No commercial use may be made without permission of the publisher.Civil serviceThreatsNigeriaE-governmentImplementationThreats to e-government implementation in the civil service: Nigeria as a case studyArticle