Pharaoh, Hamilton GrantKaruguti, Wallace MugambiChesergon, Fred Kiplagat2018-08-132024-11-072018-08-132024-11-072017 of Science - Msc (Physiotherapy)Extrinsic factors like terrain, hard running surfaces or incorrect shoes have been known to be contributing factors to injury, and intrinsic factors such as poor flexibility, mal-alignment anthropometry, previous injury and running experience have been identified in playing a role too. Little is known about the factors associated with injuries among marathon runners in Eldoret, Kenya. It is therefore important to identify the possible risk factors associated with running injuries in order to prevent further injury and severe long-term complicationsenIntrinsic factorsExtrinsic factorsSports injuryPrevention programsFlexibilityFootwearMuscle balanceMuscle imbalanceWarm-upCool downFactors associated with injuries among marathon runners in Eldoret, KenyaUniversity of the Western Cape