Nortje, Christoffel2017-06-012017-06-012013Nortje, C. (2013). Maxillo-facial radiology case 112. Journal of the South African Dental Association (SADJ), 68(6): 2761029-4864 fourteen year old male patient presented with a fast growing painful mass at the left angle of the mandible, showing mucosal ulceration and a loose 37. He also experienced a “pins and needles” sensation on the same side. Clinical examination revealed a hard bony swelling and an ulcerative lesion in the molar region (upper clinical pictures and cropped pantomograph). The lower pictures are from another patient with a similar condition. What are the most important radiological features and what is your diagnosis?enThis file may be freely used for educational uses. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this file is permitted without written permission of the South African Dental Association (SADA). Note that the SADA retains all intellectual property rights in the articleMaxillo-facialRadiologyFast growingMassMaxillo-facial radiology case 112Article