Kerfoot, CarolineVan Herreweghe, MiekeCabinda, Manuel João José2014-11-172024-05-282014-11-172024-05-282014 Doctor - PhDIn this thesis I explore the complexity of FL (Foreign Language) reading through qualitatively and quantitatively analysing the forms, ways, and mechanisms applied by adult readers at tertiary university education level to construct meaning in an ESP/EAP (English for Specific and Academic Purposes) multilingual educational context at the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), in MozambiqueenReading strategiesEnglish as a foreign languageEnglish for academic purposesAdult learnersMultilingualismTertiary educationCognitionMetacognitionThink aloud methodologyIdentifying academic reading strategies in a multilingual contextThesisUniversity of the Western Cape