Naidoo, Sudeshni2016-05-272016-05-272014Naidoo, S. (2014). Ethical management of patients with hearing impairments. South African Dental Journal, 69(7): 3291029-4864 Zuma is a 75 year old patient who has been living alone for six years since her husband died. Her hearing has deteriorated over the past few years. She has lost all her natural teeth and has been wearing upper and lower dentures for the past eight years. Recently she noticed that her dentures had become very loose and she has been having difficulty eating. She has been putting off her trip to the dentist because she is very nervous. When she eventually makes an appointment, her first words are "I don't really like dentists". What can one do to minimise her anxiety, what are the ethical duties of confidentiality and how can one give an empathetic response to Mrs Zuma's comment that she "doesn't like dentists". ?enThis file may be freely used for educational uses. No commercial reproduction or distribution of this file is permitted without written permission of the South African Dental Association (SADA). Note that the SADA retains all intellectual property rights in the article.Dental practiceEthicsPatientsTreatmentDeaf peopleEthical management of patients with hearing impairmentsArticle