Collier, DebbieBeukes, Ratula2023-12-142023-12-142023Coolier, D., and Beukes, R., 2023.'Strategies for decent work and sustainable development in the tobacco sector in Malawi: Legal, Conceptual, and Practical Tools for Stakeholders' (2023) ILO ADDRESS project, ILO Country Office for Malawi. International Labour Organization (ILO) is the United Nations agency for the world of work. It sets international labour standards, promotes rights at work and encourages decent employment opportunities, the enhancement of social protection and the strengthening of dialogue on work-related issues. The ILO has a unique structure, bringing together governments, employers’ and workers’ representatives. The ILO has 187 member States and is the oldest UN agencyenInternational Labour OrganizationSustainable developmentTabacco sectorMalawiSocial protection'Strategies for decent work and sustainable development in the tobacco sector in Malawi: legal, conceptual, and practical tools for stakeholders' (2023) ILO address project, ILO country office for MalawiOther