Ntliziywana, Phindile2019-08-192019-08-192012-06Ntliziywana P 'Municipalities' readiness to comply with Treasury's competency requirements' (2012) 14 Local Government Bulletin 4-5http://hdl.handle.net/10566/4804In just under six months, the competency framework in the National Treasury's Minimum Competency Regulations will take full effect. Therefore, the article seeks to urge the National Treasury to be robust in implementing this framework contained in the Minimum Competency Regulations, as progress with professionalisation cannot be postponed any longer. Moreover, SAMWU and other key stakeholders are urged to use the remaining six months to bring problems encountered to the fore and not to wait until due date to raise the issues.enMunicipalitiesCompetency requirementsNational TreasuryHigher education qualificationSupply chain managementMunicipalities' readiness to comply with treasury's competency requirementsArticle