Dison, AronaChipps, JenniferNibagwire, Jeanne D'Arc2020-10-232024-11-072020-10-232024-11-072020https://hdl.handle.net/10566/19113Magister Curationis - MCurThe nursing profession is the backbone of the healthcare system glob-ally. However, due to the ongoing shortage of nurses there is a growing demand for nurses across the world. This demand puts pressure on the continued recruitment of new nursing students. The factors that influence students’ reasons for entering nursing vary and require investigation to improve recruitment practices.enCareer choicefirst year nursing studentsprior exposureintrinsic and extrinsic factorsnursing educationrecruitmentattrition in nursingimage of nursingFactors influencing first year nursing students' career choice at a University in the Western CapeUniversity of Western Cape