Nsengiyumva, PhilomeneMokabati, Koketso Percy2022-03-022024-05-142022-03-022024-05-142021https://hdl.handle.net/10566/14837Magister Philosophiae - MPhilAfrican female migrants make up a large portion of the population in general and in South Africa in particular. This includes both the documented and the undocumented female migrants. Nonetheless, they are confronted with a housing challenge in the countries of destination. This study seeks to examine the types of housing, the methods of housing acquisition, and the size of housing that African female migrants have access to. This study used secondary data of the 2001 and 2011 Population Censuses, gathered from the (Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) database to look into African female migration and housing acquisition in South Africa. The study used the Chi-square test statistic to measure the relationship between the variables of interest.enAfrican female migrantHousing typeHousing tenureCitizenshipHousing acquisitionSouth AfricaAfrican female migrants and housing acquisition in South Africa: A comparison between 2001 and 2011 Population CensusUniversity of Western Cape