Papier, J2023-03-282023-03-282023Avis, J., Orr, K., Papier, J., Warmington, P., 2023. Editorial: special issue TVET race and ethnicity in the global south and north. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 75, 1–5., 1747-5090 papers in this special issue (SI) comprise a range of scholarship, illustrating divergent approaches to examining technical and voactional education and training (TVET), race and ethnicity in the global south and north. In a number of respects, this SI follows on from an earlier issue, ‘VET, Race and Ethnicity’ 69(3) published in 2017. While much has changed since 2017, many of the themes and concerns expressed remain current.enethnicityscholarshipvoactional educationinstitutional racismVET institutionsEditorial: special issue TVET race and ethnicity in the global south and northArticle