Mlenzana, NondweKock, Luzaan2023-02-272024-04-172023-02-272024-04-172022 Doctor - PhDThere has been a global shift to an interprofessional model of care as interprofessional practice (IPP) has been highlighted as an innovative way to fight the challenges faced in the health system. The implementation of IPP is targeted at all employees who participate in the provision of healthcare services. IPP can happen at all levels of health care. The primary health care (PHC) level is seen as the core of a sustainable health system, and this study focused on the PHC level. Creating equal access to high-quality, patient-centred healthcare to the entire population is the goal of the provincial health plan known as Healthcare Plan 2030.enPrimary health careHealth professionalsInterprofessional rehabilitationWestern CapePublic healthThe development of guidelines that incorporate interprofessional practice principles into rehabilitation services at a primary health care facilityUniversity of the Western Cape